Darul-Fatwa Responds with a Message of Peace and Harmony

after the Horrendous Sydney Siege.


It is indeed a difficult time for all Australians. As Australian Muslims, we share the grief and sadness caused by the un-Islamic and inhumane attack on Lindt café in Sydney which resultedin the loss of two innocent lives, many others injured and left the whole Australian community in shock. We are affected like everybody else and our thoughts now are with the families of those who have lost their lives.

The prohibition of killing oneself and unrightfully killing another soul is evident in the Qur’an, the sayings of the Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, and the unanimous agreement of the reputable scholars and the nation. Only an arrogant and ignorant person would speak otherwise.

The role of the Australian community is to stress the importance of maintaining a collaborative and harmonious society and to stand side by side against extremism and radicalization to project the true moderate views of Islam and to protect the vulnerable youth against radical and fanatical ideologies. 

These are the principles we -at Darul-Fatwa, Islamic High Council of Australia- strongly abide by. We will continue to be an association of methodology and practice, of pureness and moderation, and of a clear national and international image that maintains social cohesion, cares for our youth and elders, and supports all aspects of peace and harmony within our multicultural society.

We should put our hands together with the large Australian community to purify our society of any wrongdoing. We need to maintain our strength to safeguard our society from evil and misleading ideologies that will lead to segregation and corruption. These words must be passed on to all Australians until these meanings become engrained in their hearts and minds, and as such, living a harmonious life on the basis of strong cohesion with all fellow Australians. 

In the end, on behalf of Darulfatwa with all what it represents of Islamic associations and Muslim leaders, we extend our deep condolences to the family and friends of the hostages who perished during Sydney siege and we also offer our prayers that those injured have a speedy recovery.


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