Eid Prayer – Best Practice

^Eid prayer can be performed in congregation or individually any time between sunrise and the setting time of the Noon Prayer. The best time for performing the ^Id prayer is after the sun has reaches the height of a spear (approximately 20 minutes after sunrise)....

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How to perform Eid prayer ?

Eid prayer can be performed in congregation, or individually any time between sunrise and noon. The best time of the Eid prayer is after the sun has reached the height of a spear (approximately 20 minutes from sunrise). However if one missed it one should make it up....

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Recommended acts on the day of Eid

 It is sunnah on the day of Eid to have a bath before going to the prayer. To wear perfume. To clip one’s fingernails. To wear the best of one’s clothes. To take different routes to and from the Eid prayer. To go early to the mosque excluding the Imam. It...

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Eid Prayer

 Eid prayer can be performed in congregation, or individually any time between sunrise and noon. The best time of the Eid prayer is after the sun has reached the height of a spear (approximately 20 minutes from sunrise). However if one missed it one should make it up....

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