Sat, 28th Sep, 2024 / 25 Rabīal-Awwal 1446
السبت ٢٨ , سبتمبر , ٢٠٢٤ / 25 رَبِيع ٱلْأَوَّل 1446
Sat, 28th Sep, 2024 /
25 Rabīal-Awwal, 1446
السبت ٢٨ , سبتمبر , ٢٠٢٤ / 25 رَبِيع ٱلْأَوَّل , 1446

The Attributes of Allaah

The scholars said that it is obligatory upon every mukallaf to know thirteen Attributes of Allah. They are: Existence, Oneness, Eternity, Everlastingness, Non-neediness of others, Power, Will, Knowledge, Hearing, Sight, Life, Speech, and Non-resemblance to the...

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Islam is a religion of moderation

Islam is a religion of moderation All praise is due to Allah The Exalted, and may Allah raise the rank of our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, his kind relatives and companions, and protect his nation from that which he feared for them thereafter; Prophet...

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The Explanation of Hadith Jibril About Belief (‘Iman)

الحَمْدُ للهِ ربِّ العالمينَ لهُ النِّعمةُ وله الفضلُ ولهُ الثَّناءُ الحسن صلواتُ اللهِ البَرِّ الرحيمِ والملائِكةِ المُقرَّبينَ على سيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ أشرفِ المرسلينَ وحبيبِ ربِّ العالمينَ وعلى جميعِ إخوانِهِ منَ النَّبييّنَ والمُرسلينَ وءالِ كُلٍّ والصَّالحينَ...

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Humbleness and Serving Muslims Are Two Praised Merits

  التكبر والفخر صفتان مذمومتان  وخدمة المسلمين والتواضع لهم صفتان ممدوحتان Arrogance and Egotism are Two Dispraised Characteristics and humbleness and Serving Muslims Are Two Praised Merits  الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد وعلى ءاله وأصحابه...

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Relationship Of A Marriage

All praise is due to Allah the lord of the worlds. May Allah raise the rank of Prophet Muhammad and all the prophets before him and protect his nation from that which he fears for them. Islam constitutes rights for woman as it does for men. This fairness is clearly...

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Selecting the Right Friend

We start with the Name of Allah, we praise Him, and we ask Allah to raise the rank of our dear and beloved master Muhammad, and protect his nation from that which he feared for them. Thereafter;Dear respected brothers and Sisters in Islam,Allah said in the Holy...

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