Darulfatwa Australia Profile

Darulfatwa is the Arabic name for ‘the house of Islamic edicts’ (fatwas). Traditionally and historically, the office of Darulfatwa is recognized as, the highest Islamic reference of a region by all Muslims worldwide. It is the credible resort for those seeking...

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Zakah – A Basic Understanding

Chapters 20-26 from the ‘the Explanation of the Summary of ^Abdullah Al-Harariy, Ensuring the Personal Obligatory Knowledge’. Items Subject to Zakah It is obligatory for one to pay Zakah for having: Camels, cattle, sheep and goats Dates, raisins, and staple crops...

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The Miracle

Brothers in Islam, Allah, the Almighty, supported the Prophets, peace be upon all of them, with miracles and irrefutable evidence proving the truthfulness of their prophethood. Brothers in Islam, our speech for today is about the miracles of the Prophets. A miracle is...

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Prayers and congregational Prayers

All praise be to Allah and May Allah raise the rank of Prophet Muhammad and protect his nation from that which he fears for them. My brothers in Islam, may I first urge myself and you to obey Allah the Lord of the worlds, by performing the obligatory and avoiding the...

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^Ashura’ Allah Al-^Aliyy Al-^Adhim revealed in his noble Book explicit words that mean: [And verily we sent Nuh as a messenger to his people. He remained with them for a thousand years less fifty; then the flood engulfed them, for they were wrong-doers. We rescued him...

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My dear brothers in Islam; I remind myself and you to fear Allah, The One deserving of Glory and Exaltment, and is clear from all the attributes of the creations and imperfection, and to adhere to the true Religion of Islam. Ayah 103 of Surat Ali ^Imran means:...

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